NOTE - Students are expected to perform any eight experiments from the given list. Two experiments out of the eight will be set in the examination paper.
The duration of the Practical Examination shall be 5 hours.
The distribution of marks in the practical examination will be as follows:
1. Two experiments : 30 mark each.
2. Distribution of marks will be as follows:
Figure /Formula/Theory : 7
Observations/Calculations : 16
Result /Result Analysis : 5
Precautions : 2
3. Viva -Voce : 10
Total : 70 marks
List of Experiments
1. Using platinum resistance thermometer, find the melting pint of a given substance.
2. To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method.
3. To determine ‘J’ by Calender and Barne’s method.
4. Determine the thermodynamic constant = Cp/Cv using Clement’s and Desorm’s method.
5. Study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperature.
6. To plot thermo emf versus temperature graph for Cu-Fe thermo couple and to determine temperature of a hot source (use sand bath).
7. To study the variation of power transfer to different loads by a D. C. source and to verify maximum power transfer theorem.
8. Study of half wave rectification using single diode and application of L & p section filters.
9. To study characteristics of a given transition PNP/NPN (CE, CB & CC configuration).
10. Study of single stage transistor audio amplifier (variation of Gain with Frequency).
11. To verify laws and network theorems in D C circuits.
12. Using discrete components, study OR, NOT, AND logic gates.