Interatomic forces and lattice dynamics, simple metals, ionic and covalent crystals, optical phonons and dielectric constants, inelastic neutron scattering, Mossbauer effect. Debye-Waller factor, Anharmonicity, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity, Interaction of electrons and phonons with photons, Direct and indirect transitions, Absorption in insulators, Polarities, one-phonon absorption, optical properties of metals, skin effect and anomalous skin effect.
Law of mass action, calculation of impurity conductivity, ellipsoidal energy surfaces in Si and Ge, Hall Effect, recombination mechanism, optical transitions and Schockely-Read theory, excitations, photoconductivity, photo-luminescence. Point’s line, planar and bulk defects, colour centres, F-centre and aggregate centres in alkali halides.
Larmor diamagnetism. Paramagnetism, Curie-Langevin and Quantum theories, Susceptibility of rare earth and transition metals, Ferromagnetism: Domain theory, Weiss molecular field and exchange, spin waves: dispersion relation and its experimental determination by inelastic neutrons scattering, heat capacity. Nuclear Magnetic resonance: Conditions of resonance, Bloch equations, NMR- experiment and characteristics of an absorption line.
Experimental Results : Meissner effect, heat capacity, microwave and infrared properties, isotope effect, flux quantization, ultrasonic attenuation, density of states, nuclear spin relaxation, Giaver and AC and DC Josephson tunnelings.
Cooper pairs and derivation of BCS Hamiltonian, results of BCS Theory (no derivation), High Tc superconductivity, introduction to theories of High Tc superconductors.
1. Kittel - Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th Edition (John Wiley).
2. Levy-Solid State Physics.
3. Patterson - Solid State Physics.
4. Mckelvy - Solid State and Semi-conductor Physics.