This course will enable the students to
To familiarize the students with motion of different types of oscillators and also with wave motion in different medium. This will enable the students to develop abilities and skill to solve problems related to waves and oscillations.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Learning outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
PHY 201 |
Oscillations and waves (Theory) |
The students will be able to – CO19: Understand physical characteristics of SHM, and obtaining solution of the oscillator using differential equations. CO20: Solve for the solutions and describe the behavior of a damped, driven and coupled harmonic oscillator in both time and frequency domains. CO21: Understand and implement Fourier series. CO22: Calculate logarithmic decrement relaxation factor and quality factor of a harmonic oscillator. CO23: Solve wave equation and understand significance of electromagnetic waves . CO24: Gain knowledge on applications of transverse and longitudinal waves. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation, Demonstration, problem solving in tutorials. Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numericals |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations |
Simple harmonic motion, Differential equation of simple harmonic motion, examples:-mass on a spring, Torsional oscillator. LC Circuit, Potential energy curve and small oscillations in one dimensional potential well, Energy of oscillations, mass and two spring system.
Damped harmonic oscillator, Mathematical formulation of damped harmonic oscillator, Energy of damped oscillator, Power dissipation, Relaxation time, Quality factor of damped harmonic oscillator
Driven harmonic oscillator , Mathematical formulation of driven harmonic oscillator , Frequency response on amplitude and phase, Quality factor of driven oscillator, Resonance, Sharpness of resonance, Power absorption by forced oscillator, Series and parallel LCR circuit.
Equation of motion of two coupled simple harmonic oscillators, Normal modes, motion in mixed modes ,dynamics of a linear chain of coupled oscillators with nearest neighbor interaction, Energy transfer between modes, Electrically coupled circuits (capacitive and inductive), Reflected impedance, effect of coupling and resistive load.
Equation of motion for one dimensional monatomic and diatomic lattice, acoustic and optical modes, dispersion relation, concept of group and phase velocities, Fourier Analysis of square, saw tooth and triangular wave forms.
Wave equation, Transverse waves in a string, Elastic waves in a solid rod, Pressure waves in a gas column, Plane electromagnetic waves, Energy and Momentum of EM waves, Radiation pressure,Radiation resistance of free space.