Analog Electronics (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To develop the fundamental knowledge of electronics by learning various topics viz. circuit analysis, network theorems, P-N diode equation, rectifiers, filters, transistors and transistor amplifiers and their analysis. 
  • To learn feedback amplifiers, logic gates and the fabrication of ICs. 
  • To develop skills to design electronic circuits for various applications.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24DPHY 501(D)

Analog Electronics


CO72: Understand a systematic and coherent understanding of basic Electronics including the concept of rectification and filters.

CO73: Design various transistors and amplifier circuits for different applications.

CO74: Understand the concept of feedback and knowledge of the advantages of negative feedback.

CO75: Describe the working principle of oscillators and multi-vibrators and their types used in circuits.

CO76: understand the concepts of Op-Amps and their applications and knowledge of FET.

CO77: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Power point presentation, Demonstration, problem-solving in tutorials


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentations, Solving numerical.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Rectifiers and Filters

p-n junction diodes, I-V characteristics, diode as a rectifier, half-wave and full-wave rectifiers: calculations of ripple factor, efficiency and regulation, bridge rectifiers

Filters: Series inductor, shunt capacitor, L-section and π section filters. 

Voltage regulation: Zener diode, breakdown voltage (avalanche and zener effect), voltage regulation, voltage multipliers.

Unit II: 
BJT and amplifiers

Basic construction of pnp and npn transistors and their operation, Input and output characteristics of CB, CC and CE configurations, active, saturation and cut-off regions, Load line and Q-point, Two-port analysis of a transistor using h-parameters, Analysis of CB, CE and CC amplifier for current gain, voltage gain, input and output impedances using h-parameters, Gain-frequency response of an amplifier.

Unit III: 
Feedback amplifier

Concept of feedback, positive and negative feedback, voltage and current feedback circuits (series and parallel circuits).

Advantages of negative feedback: Stabilization of gain, effect on input and output impedances, reduction of non-linear distortion, effect on gain-frequency response.


Unit IV: 
Oscillator and Multivibrators

Barkhausen criterion, RC oscillators, Colpitts’s oscillator, Hartley oscillator, crystal oscillators and their advantages

Multivibrators: Monostable and Astable multivibrators, Bistable multivibrators, Square wave and triangle wave generation.


Unit V: 
Operational Amplifier

Operational amplifier: Differential amplifiers, differential gain and CMRR, inverting and non-inverting configurations Applications of op-amp: adder, subtractor, differentiator and integrator.

Field effect Transistor (FET): Classification of various types of FET, constructional details of FET, drain characteristics and biasing of FET, operating regions, pinch-off voltage, the idea of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET).

Essential Readings: 
  • “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Jacob Millman and Christos Halkias, TMH , 9th edition.
  • “Electronic Fundamentals and Applications”, John D. Ryder, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,(1983) New Delhi.
  • “Digital Computer Electronics”, Albert Paul Malvino, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
  • “Hand book of Electronics”, Kumar and Gupta, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
  • “Basic Electronics and Solid State”, B.L. Theraja, S.Chand, 2002.

Suggested Readings:

  •  “Integrated Electronics, Analog and Digital circuits and systems”, Millman & Halkias, Mc Graw Hill Ltd. (1972).
  • “Electronic devices and circuits” , Soni and Gupta, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
  • “Basic Electronics and Linear circuits”, Bhargava and Kulshreshtha, TMH ,1984.
  • “Principle of Electronics” (for numerical problems) V.K. Mehta, S.Chand ,2002.
  • “Basic Electronics”, Kal, Prentice Hall of India, 2002
  • “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Robert Boylestad and Nashelsky, Prentice Hall of India, Fifth edition.
  • “Engineering Electronics”, John D Ryder, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.





Academic Year: