Applied Optics (Skill Enhancement Course)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To understand the 'nature of light' is a favourite inquiry of mankind since ancient times. 
  • By the advent of lasers, holography, and optical fibres in twentieth century the optics now-a-days finds application in several branches of science and engineering. 
  • This paper provides the conceptual understanding of these branches of modern optics to the students. 
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Applied Optics (Practical)

CO1: Understand the principle of Laser and differentiate between three and four level laser.

CO2: Discuss the various applications of laser. 

CO3: Apply the knowledge of lasers in different fields.

CO4: Analyze the results from plane diffraction grating and LED experiment.

CO5: Analyze the results from solid state laser, LDR & photovoltaic cell.

CO6: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:


Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation,Problem Solving in tutorials, guest lectures


Learning activities for the students:


Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numericals

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems ,Assignments,Presentations


Unit I: 
LASER physics

Basic Principle of Laser, Einstein Coefficients, condition for light amplification , Population Inversion,  Optical Resonators , Three level and four level systems. 

Types of LASER and output modulation methods                                   

Solid State lasers - Ruby and Nd-YAG Laser , Gas lasers - He-Ne and CO2 lasers,  semiconductor lasers - Heterojunction lasers , Liquid Dye lasers.

Unit II: 
Applications of LASER

Application of laser in industry - cutting and welding , Drilling , surface Hardening , Medical applications - laser as diagnostic and therapeutic tool , Holography - Theory of recording and reconstruction, applications of Holography. 

Unit III: 
Practical Exercise-I
  • To determine the grating radial spacing of the Compact Disc (CD) by reflection using He-Ne or solid state laser. 
  • To find the width of the wire or width of the slit using diffraction pattern obtained by a He-Ne or solid state laser.
Unit IV: 
Practical Exercise-II
  • To find the polarization angle of laser light using polarizer and analyzer.
  • To determine the wavelength and angular spread of laser light by using plane diffraction grating. 
  • To study I-V characteristics of LED.
Unit V: 
Practical Exercise-III
  • To Study the characteristics of solid state laser. 
  • To  Study the characteristics of LDR.
  • To study the Characteristics of Photovoltaic Cell.
Essential Readings: 

·       “LASERS: Fundamentals & applications, K.Thyagrajan  & A.K.Ghatak, 2010, Tata  McGraw Hill

·       “An Introduction to laser: Theory and Applications” by M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi 2011. 

·       “Introduction to Fiber optics” by K. Thyagarajan and Ajoy Ghatak, Cambridge University, 2010. 

·       “Optical Fiber communications” by John M. Senior, Cambridge University Press, 1996.


Suggested Readings:

·       “Fiber-Optic communication systems”, Govind P. Agrawal, John-Willey & Sons. 

·       “ Fibre optics through experiments”, M.R.Shenoy, S.K.Khijwania, 2009, Viva Books.

·       “ Optical Electronics”, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, 2011, Cambridge University Press.




Academic Year: