Condensed Matter Physics - II

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  • equips the students with the theoretical and experimental knowledge about solids, solid solutions, liquids, alloys, disordered materials, synthesis of nanomaterials and characterization technique.
  • prepares the students to take up research in Condensed Matter Physics. 


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title





Condensed Matter Physics - II





CO135: Design a novel synthesis approach for nanomaterials, integrating principles from bottom-up and top-down techniques.

CO136: Evaluate the reliability and accuracy of different characterization methods in determining nanomaterial structure, morphology, and optical properties, considering their impact on research outcomes.

CO137: Analyze the theory of metals, deconstructing the contributions of metallic interactions, kinetic energy, and electron correlations to material properties.

CO138: Design experiments to study liquid metal behavior and phase transformations, applying Ziman’s resistivity formula and phase diagram interpretations.

CO139: Analyze disordered systems in condensed matter, distinguishing between different types of disorder and their effects on material properties.

CO140: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Demonstration, problem solving in tutorials


Learning activities for the students: Self- learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, solving numerical.

Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Synthesis techniques for Nanomaterials

Different methods of preparation of nanomaterial, Sol-gel and chemical bath deposition method, effect of temperature on the size of the particles. Bottom up: cluster beam evaporation, ion beam deposition, top down: ball milling. DC and RF sputtering.


Unit II: 
Characterization techniques

Basic ideas of the techniques of field emission, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction line broadening, small angle X-ray scattering and small angle neutron scattering; Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy.

Unit III: 
Theory of Metals

Metallic interactions; Kinetic energy; electrostatic; exchange and correlation; Pseudopotential formulation; local and non-local Pseudopotential; The diffraction model; Factorization of matrix elements; structure factor; Form Factor; Total Energy of the metals; Free electron energy, Band Structure energy; Self consistent screening of a local pseudopotential; Dielectric screening function, Energy wave number Characteristic.

Unit IV: 
Liquid Metal and Alloys

(a) Liquid structure factor s(q); radial distribution function g(r); Relationship between s(q) and g(r); Ziman’s resistivity formula, the role of effective mass on resistivity, Binary liquid metal alloys; Atom-atom partial structure factors; Thermodynamical relations. 

(b)Equilibrium transformation of first and second order, Phase rule, Equilibrium phase diagrams, Interpretation of Phase Diagrams; Substitutional solid solutions, Vegard's law, Interstial Solid Solutions, Hume-Rothery rules, Phase diagrams for binary alloys; Martensitic transitions.

Unit V: 
Disordered Systems

Disorder in condensed matter- substitutional, positional and topographical disorder; Short and long-range order; Atomic correlation function and structural descriptions of glasses and liquids; Anderson model; mobility edge; Minimum Metallic Conductivity, Qualitative application of the idea to amorphous semiconductors and hopping conduction


Essential Readings: 

·K.K. Chattopadhyay and A.N. Banerjee; Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; PHI

·Sulabha K. Kulkarni; Nanotechnology Principles and Practice; Springer

·David K. Ferry, Stephen M. Goodnick and Jonathan Bird; Transport in Nanostructures; Cambridge University Press (2009)

· W.A. Harison : Pseudo potentials in the theory of metals; W.A. Benjamin Inc. 1966, New York, Amsterdam

·Wlater A. Harrison : Solid State Physics (Dover Publications, 1980)

·N.H. March: Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory; Cambridge University Press 

· T. E. Faber: An introduction to the Theory of liquid metals; Cambridge University Press



·nsel and Mc Donald: Theory of Simple liquids; Academic Press INC. (London)

·March, Young and Saupenthe: Many Body Problems.

·March and Tosi: Atomic Motions in Liquids; Dover Publications.

·  March, Tosi and Street: Amorphous solids and the Liquids State, Plenum, 1985.

· Dugdale: Electrical Properties of Metals and Alloys;  Edward Arnold (June 1977).

·P.I. Taylor: A. Quantum Approach to the Solid State, Prentice Hall

·L. Azaroff: Introduction to Solids; McGraw-Hill Companies; New edition edition (1984)

·Srinivasan: Science of Engineering Materials; John Wiley & Sons; 

· Hand Book of nano-structured Materials & Nanotechnology- Ed. Hari Singh Nalwa (Vol.1 to 4).

·C. Kittal, Quantum theory of Solids


E- Contents:


Academic Year: