Condensed Matter Physics - II

Paper Code: 
PHY 424(A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –
1.    To equips the students with the theoretical and experimental knowledge about solids, solid solutions, liquids, alloys, disordered materials, synthesis of nanomaterials and characterization technique.
2.    To prepares the students to take up research in Condensed Matter Physics.

Course outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




Paper Title

PHY 424(A)




Condensed Matter Physics - II





The student will be able to:

CO119: describe the quantum mechanical behavior of metals, metallic interactions, pseudo potential formulation, exchange and correlation interactions

CO120: build up the basic knowledge of liquid metals- structure factor and radial distribution functions, its resistivity.

CO121: explain about solid solution, its properties, phase transformations, binary metal alloy.

CO122: describe the disordered condensed matters with its specifications and the idea to amorphous semiconductors & hopping conduction.

CO123:  debelop basic understanding about nano materials, quantum dots, quantum wires, fullerenes and graphenes.

CO124: demonstrate synthesis and characterization technique of nano-material.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Demonstration, problem solving in tutorials


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, solving numerical.

Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 

Synthesis techniques for Nanomaterials Different methods of preparation of nanomaterial, Sol-gel and chemical bath deposition method, effect of temperature on the size of the particles. Bottom up: cluster beam evaporation, ion beam deposition, top down: ball milling. DC and RF sputtering.


Unit II: 

Characterization techniques: Basic ideas of the techniques of field emission, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction line broadening, small angle X-ray scattering and small angle neutron scattering; Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy.


Unit III: 

Theory of Metals: Metallic interactions; Kinetic energy; electrostatic; exchange and correlation; Pseudopotential formulation; local and non-local Pseudopotential; The diffraction model; Factorization of matrix elements; structure factor; Form Factor; Total Energy of the metals; Free electron energy, Band Structure energy; Self consistent screening of a local pseudopotential; Dielectric screening function, Energy wave number Characteristic.


Unit IV: 

(a)Liquid Metal and Alloys : Liquid structure factor s(q); radial distribution function g(r); Relationship between s(q) and g(r); Ziman’s resistivity formula, the role of effective mass on resistivity, Binary liquid metal alloys; Atom-atom partial structure factors; Thermodynamical relations.
(b)Phase Transformation in Alloys: Equilibrium transformation of first and second order, Phase rule, Equilibrium phase diagrams, Interpretation of Phase Diagrams; Substitutional solid solutions, Vegard's law, Interstial Solid Solutions, Hume-Rothery rules, Phase diagrams for binary alloys; Martensitic transitions.


Unit V: 

Disordered Systems: Disorder in condensed matter- substitutional, positional and topographical disorder; Short and long-range order; Atomic correlation function and structural descriptions of glasses and liquids; Anderson model; mobility edge; Minimum Metallic Conductivity, Qualitative application of the idea to amorphous semiconductors and hopping conduction


Essential Readings: 

1.    K.K. Chattopadhyay and A.N. Banerjee; Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; PHI
2.     Sulabha K. Kulkarni; Nanotechnology Principles and Practice; Springer
3.    David K. Ferry, Stephen M. Goodnick and Jonathan Bird; Transport in Nanostructures; Cambridge University Press (2009)
4.    W.A. Harison : Pseudo potentials in the theory of metals; W.A. Benjamin Inc. 1966, New York, Amsterdam
5.    Wlater A. Harrison : Solid State Physics (Dover Publications, 1980)
6.    N.H. March: Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory; Cambridge University Press
7.    T. E. Faber: An introduction to the Theory of liquid metals; Cambridge University Press



1.    Hansel and Mc Donald: Theory of Simple liquids; Academic Press INC. (London)
2.    March, Young and Saupenthe: Many Body Problems.
3.    March and Tosi: Atomic Motions in Liquids; Dover Publications.
4.    March, Tosi and Street: Amorphous solids and the Liquids State, Plenum, 1985.
5.    Dugdale: Electrical Properties of Metals and Alloys;  Edward Arnold (June 1977).
6.    P.I. Taylor: A. Quantum Approach to the Solid State, Prentice Hall
7.    L. Azaroff: Introduction to Solids; McGraw-Hill Companies; New edition edition (1984)
8.    Srinivasan: Science of Engineering Materials; John Wiley & Sons;
9.    Hand Book of nano-structured Materials & Nanotechnology- Ed. Hari Singh Nalwa (Vol.1 to 4).
10.    C. Kittal, Quantum theory of Solids

1.    Jay Vasudeo Rane, Krishnan Kanny: V.K. Abitha, Sabu Thomas Methods for Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Fabrication of Nanocomposites. file:///C:/Users/dell/Downloads/NanopartSynthesis1.pdf
2.    P. E. J. Flewitt, R. K. Wild; Physical Methods for Materials Characterization, (2nd Ed.CRC Press, 2015)
3.    R. C. Brundle et al; Encyclopedia of materials characterization: surfaces, interfaces, thin films, (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992).
4.    L.Szasz; Pseudopotential Theory for Atoms and Molecules, Levente Szasz; Pseudopotential Theory for Atom and Molecules Theory for Atoms and  Molecules;
5.    Smita Sharma, Haniph Khan and S.K. Sharma; local Pseudopotential dependence of superconducting state parameters of Be-Al metallic glasses, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics Vol. 41, 301-304 (2013).


Academic Year: