Differential amplifier, CMRR, ideal operational amplifier, Block diagram of typical OP-Amplifier, Open loop configuration : inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, Op-Amp with negative feedback, Practical Op-Amp parameters : input offset voltage, input bias current , input offset current, output offset voltage, Frequency response and stability, Applications of operational amplifier: adder, subtractor, voltage follower, integrator ,differentiator.
Oscillator Principle , Oscillator types, Hartley oscillator, Colpitt oscillator, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Crystal Oscillator
Multivibrators: Monostable and Astable multivibrators, Bistable multivibrators, Square wave and triangle wave generation.
Combinational logic: Transistor as a switch, circuit realization of OR, AND, OR, NOR, NAND gates, Exclusive OR gate, Boolean algebra , De-Morgan Theorems, Simplification using Karnaugh map, Adder, subtractor, comparator, encoder, decoder, demultiplexer , data selector, multiplexer.
Flip-Flops, one - bit memory, RS flip-flop, J K flip flop, JK master slave flip-flop, T flip-flop, D flip-flop, shift registers , synchronous and asynchronous counters, Binary counter, Decade counter, Analog to Digital converter, Digital to Analog Converter
Introduction to microcomputers: memory , input/output , interfacing device 8085, CPU Architecture, BUS timings, Demultiplexing the address bus, generating control signals , Instruction set , addressing modes , Illustrative programmes , writing Assembly language programmes, looping, counting and indexing , counters and timing delays, stack and subroutine.
1. "OP-AMP and Linear Integrated Circuits" Ramakanth, A. Gayakwad, PHI, Second Edition 1991.
2. “ A Handbook of Electronics” Gupta and Kumar, Pragati Prakashan
1. "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory" ,Robert Boylested and Louis Nashelsky, PHI, New Delhi - 110001, 1991.
2. "Digital Principle and Applications" A.P. Malvino and Donald P. Leach, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi, 1993.
3. "Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085/8086" by Ramesh S Gaonkar, Wiley - Eastern Ltd., 1987.