Elements of Modern Physics (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To understand some concepts of Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics and Nuclear Physics.
  • To understand the basic principles of Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation and its applications.
  • To introduce students to the fundamentals of atomic physics and nuclear physics for Morden application.
Course Outcomes: 

Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Elements of Modern Physics


CO52:  Explain the differences between classical and quantum mechanics.

CO53:  Solve Schrodinger equation for simple potentials. 

CO54:  Assess whether a solution to a given problem is physically reasonable. 

CO55:  Identify properties of the nucleus and other sub-atomic particles.

CO56: Describe theories explaining the structure of atoms and the origin of the observed spectra.

CO57: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation,  Problem Solving

in tutorials,


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numerical

Additional learning through online Videos, MOOCs Courses.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems , Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Introduction to Wave mechanics and Schrodinger equation

Electromagnetic Radiation, Black Body Radiation, Planck’ Law of Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect.

Schrödinger time dependent and time independent one-dimensional equation, three-dimensional  Schrödinger wave equation (with eigen value and eigen function), probability current density, physical meaning of  ψ, conditions to be satisfied by  ψ.

Unit II: 
Operator formulation in Quantum mechanics

Operators, algebra of operators, commutative property, linear operators, Commutator operator, eigen values and eigen functions, operators for momentum, K.E., Hamiltonian, total energy and angular momentum, Fundamental postulates of Q.M.

Hermitian operators, orthonormality, degeneracy, Commutation relations, Ehrenfest’s theorem, Bohr’s principle of complementarity, principle of superposition.

Unit III: 
Simple solutions of Schrödinger equation

Boundary  and continuity conditions on the wave function. Particle in one dimensional box, eigen function and eigen values, discrete energy levels, generalization to 3-D and degeneracy of levels

Boundary value problems:    

Step potential, Penetration through rectangular barrier, calculation of reflection and transmission coefficients. Quantum mechanical  tunneling. Square well potential problem, reflection and transmission coefficient and resonant scattering.

Unit IV: 
Nuclear Physics

Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with atomic weight; Impossibility of an electron being in the nucleus as a consequence of the uncertainty principle. Nature of nuclear force, NZ graph, semi-empirical mass formula & binding energy.

Detector for Nuclear Radiations: Gas detectors : ionization chamber, proportional counter and GM Counter. Basic principle of Scintillation Detectors and construction of photo-multiplier tube (PMT). Semiconductor Detectors (Si & Ge) for charge particle and photon detection (concept of charge carrier and mobility).

Particle Accelerators: Accelerator facility available in India: Van-de Graaff generator (Tandem accelerator), Linear accelerator, Cyclotron, Synchrotrons. 

Unit V: 

Stability of the nucleus; Law of radioactive decay; Mean life and half-life; Alpha decay; Beta decay- energy released, spectrum and Pauli's prediction of neutrino; Gamma ray emission, energy-momentum conservation: electron-positron pair creation by gamma photons in the vicinity of a nucleus. Fission and fusion- mass deficit, relativity and generation of energy; Fission - nature of fragments and emission of neutrons.

Essential Readings: 
  • Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, 2009, McGraw-Hill
  • Elements Of Modern Physics Volume-1 by Dr. Jyotirmoy Guha, TECHO WORLS.
  • Modern Physics, John R.Taylor, Chris D.Zafiratos, M.A.Dubson,2009, PHI Learning
  • Six Ideas that Shaped Physics:Particle Behave like Waves, T.A.Moore, 2003, McGrawHill
  • Modern Physics, R.A. Serway, C.J. Moses, and C.A.Moyer, 2005, Cengage Learning

Suggested Readings:

  • Quantum Physics, Berkeley Physics Course, Vol.4. E.H. Wichman, 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill Co.
  • Modern Physics, G.Kaur and G.R. Pickrell, 2014, McGraw Hill.
  • Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Fourth Edition Stephen T. Thornton, Andrew Rex University of Puget Sound.
  • MODERN PHYSICS, Fifth Edition by Paul A. Tipler and Ralph A. Llewellyn, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.



·       https://courseware.cutm.ac.in/courses/elements-of-modern-physics-2/

·       https://avcce.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/115103101/L15.html

Academic Year: