1. Nanotechnology: Principle and Practices, S.K. KulKarni, Capital Publishing Company (2015).
2. Introduction To Nanoscience And Nenotechnology, K. K. Chattopadhyay, A. N. banerjee, PHI Learning Private limited (2009).
3. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Charles Kittle, Wiley-India Edition (2008).
4. Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures, K. P. Jain, Narosa Publishers (1997).
5. Quantum Dot Hetrostructures, D.M. Garundmann and N.N.Ledentsov, John-Wiley (1998) .
6. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C. P. Poole, F. J. Owens, Wiley-Interscience (2003).
7. Nanotechnology: Basic Science & Emerging Technologies, M. Wilson, K. Kannangara, G. Smith, M. Simmons and B. Raguse, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (2002).
8. Nanostructure and Nanomaterials:Synthesis, Properties and Applications, G. Cao and Ying Wang, World Scientific Publishing (2011)
9. Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Films: Preparation, Characterization and Applications, Janos H. Fendler, Wiley (1998).