1. “Electronic communication systems”, George Kennedy, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd edition 1985.
2. “Principles of communications – Systems, Modulation and Noise”, R.E. Ziemer and W.H. Tranter, Jaico Publishing House 1996.
3. “Wireless Communication”, Reppaport, Pearson Education
4. “Digital Satellite Communications”, Tri, Tata Mc Graw Hill International
5. “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications”, William C.Y. Lee, Mc Graw Hill International Edition.
6. “Satellite Communication System”, M. Richharia, Mac Millan.
7. “Introduction to Optical Fiber”, Allen H Cherin, Mc Graw Hill.
8. Principles of communication systems”, Taub. Schilling ,Mc. Graw Hill 2nd edition 1986.