Information Communication Theory

Paper Code: 
PHY 602
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Information Communications Technology - or technologies (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes all technologies for the communication of information. This course gives a brief idea of the technology of wireless communication and networks. The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive technical survey of wireless communication, fundamentals, of mobile communications, wireless networks and protocols wireless applications, 3G and higher communication systems. 


Course Outcomes (COs):       



Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

PHY 602

Information Communication Theory


The students will be able to –


CO87: Understand the fundamentals of transmission and wireless systems.


CO88: explain and analyse the working of cellular wireless networks and compare different generations.


CO89: develop knowledge of different parameters of satellite communication.


CO90: analyse the antenna, its types and wave propagation.


CO91: compare different types of optical fibers and analyze intermodal dispersion.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation,  Problem Solving in tutorials

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numerical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations

Unit I: 
Introduction and Transmission Fundamentals:

Introduction: Wireless comes of age, The Cellular revolution, The global Cellular network, Broadband, Future trends.

Transmission Fundamentals: Signals for conveying information: Time domain concepts, Frequency domain concepts, Relationship between data rate and bandwidth.

Analog and Digital data transmission: Analog and digital data, analog and digital signaling, Analog and digital transmission.

Channel Capacity: Nyquist bandwidth, Shannon capacity formula.

Transmission Media: Terrestrial microwaves, Satellite microwaves, Broadcast radio, Infrared.


Unit II: 
Cellular Wireless Networks:

Principles of Cellular networks: Cellular network organization, operation of cellular systems, mobile radio propagation effects, power control; First generation analog : spectral allocation, operation, AMPS control channels.

Second generation TDMA: Time division multiple access, Mobile wireless TDMA design considerations, Global system for mobile communications, GSM network architecture.

Second generation CDMA: CDMA, Mobile wireless CDMA design considerations. 

Third generation mobile technology ,fourth generation mobile technology , Introduction  to fifth generation systems.

Unit III: 
Satellite Communication:

Satellite parameters and configurations: Satellite Orbits, GEO, LEO, MEO satellites, frequency bands, transmission impairments, satellite network configurations, Capacity allocation – Frequency division : Frequency division multiplexing, Frequency division multiple access(FAMA,DAMA); Capacity Allocation-Time division

Unit IV: 
Antennas and Propagation:

Antennas: Radiation patterns, Antenna types, Antenna Gain.

Propagation Modes: Ground Wave propagation, Sky Wave propagation, Line of Sight propagation.

Line of Sight Transmission: Attenuation, Free Space loss, Noise, The expression E/ N0, Atmospheric absorption, Multipath, Refraction.

Fading in the Mobile Environment: Multipath propagation, Error compensation Mechanisms.


Unit V: 
Optical Fibres:

Total internal reflection, Optical fibre, Coherent bundle, Classification of optical fibres, Advantages of optical fibres, Types of rays, Modes of propagation of optical fibres, Dispersion-inter model dispersion: for multimode step index fibre and  for graded index multimode fibre, Losses in optical fibre, Fibre cable, Optical fibre communication system, Optical fibre cable construction, Applications of optical fibre.

Essential Readings: 
  1. “Wireless Communication  and Networks”, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India,2005.
  2. “Modern Physics”, S.L. Kakani, Shubhra Kakani , Viva Books private Ltd.,2007


Suggested Readings: 

  1. “Electronic communication systems”, George Kennedy, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd edition 1985.
  2. “Principles of communications – Systems, Modulation and Noise”, R.E. Ziemer and W.H. Tranter, Jaico Publishing House 1996.
  3. “Wireless Communication”, Reppaport, Pearson Education
  4. “Digital Satellite Communications”, Tri, Tata Mc Graw Hill International
  5. “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications”, William C.Y. Lee, Mc Graw Hill  International Edition.
  6. “Satellite Communication System”, M. Richharia, Mac Millan.
  7. “Introduction to Optical Fiber”, Allen H Cherin, Mc Graw Hill.
  8. Principles of communication systems”, Taub. Schilling ,Mc. Graw Hill 2nd edition 1986.







Academic Year: