Lab Course I

Paper Code: 
PHY 115
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to -
This course will enhance the basic learning skills of students. This will enable them to plan and execute experiments, handle scientific equipment safely and to the appropriate limit of accuracy. It will provide students the knowledge of errors committed and precision of measurements.
Course Outcomes (COs): 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

   PHY 115

    Lab Course I



The students will be able to –

CO29: Demonstrate measurement skills in a physics laboratory


CO30: Analyze the measurement results to draw valid conclusions with honesty.


CO31: Have oral and written scientific communication, and think critically and work independently.


CO32: Develop the skill to determine elastic constants like Young’s modulus , modulus of rigidity etc by different methods.


CO33: Understand the concept of conversion of galvanometer to ammeter and voltmeter ,R-C circuit, LR circuit, specific resistance ,electromagnetic induction ,charging and discharging of a condenser, Carey Foster’s bridge and  Faraday’s Law by performing experiments.

Approach in teaching: Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion, Conduction of Experiments, asking Viva-voce questions.


Learning activities for the students:

Performing Experiments, observations,  Analysis and interpretation of results

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems , Assignments, Presentations


List of Experiments

  1. Study of bending of a beam and determination of Young’s modulus.
  2. Determine the modulus of rigidity using Maxwell’s needle.
  3. Elastic constants by Searl’s method.
  4. Determine specific resistance of wire and low resistance using Careyfoster’s bridge.
  5. Conversion of Galvanometer into an ammeter and to calibrate it.
  6. Conversion of Galvanometer into an voltmeter and to calibrate it.
  7. To study the characteristics of a Junction Diode.
  8. Determine the surface tension of a given liquid at room temperature using Jaeger’s method.
  9. To determine the height of a building using a sextant.
  10. To determine self- inductance of a coil by Rayleigh’s method





Academic Year: