Lab Course III (Practical)

Paper Code: 
CPHY 213
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –


This course aims to provide practical knowledge of Physics concepts by applying the Physics theory to different experimental methods and to make them learn the usage of electrical and optical instruments for various measurements. The students will be able to apply the analytical techniques and graphical analysis to the experimental data.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

    CPHY 213

Lab Course III



The students will be able to –

CO30: Demonstrate laboratory skills in physics laboratory and analyze the measurements to draw valid conclusions honestly.


CO31: Have oral and written scientific communication, and to think critically and work independently.


CO32: Have a deep knowledge of fundamentals of optics and electric circuits.

Approach in teaching: Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion ,Conduction of Experiments


Learning activities for the students:

Performing Experiments, observations,  Analysis and interpretation of  results, Additional learning through online Videos and Virtual Labs.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems , Assignments, Presentations


List of Experiments    


  1. To study resonance in a series LCR circuit and determine Q factor of the circuit.
  2. To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil. Plot the necessary graph and hence determine the radius of circular coil.
  3. Study the Electromagnetic induction and to verify Faraday’s law.
  4. Study of a charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistance.
  5. Determine a high resistance by leakage method using Ballistic Galvanometer.
  6. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid (determine dB/dx).



Academic Year: