This paper introduces the principles of lasers. The use of lasers in different areas of physics, and spectroscopy with lasers compared to other forms of spectroscopy, optical fibers and fiber optic communication.
Basic Principle of Laser, Einstein Coefficients, condition for light amplification, Population Inversion, Threshold Condition, Line shape function, Optical Resonators, Three level and four level systems
Solid State lasers, Ruby and Nd-YAG Laser, Gas lasers, He-Ne and Co2 lasers, semiconductor lasers, Heterojunction lasers, Liquid Dye lasers, Q switching and mode locking.
Application of laser in industry, cutting and welding, Drilling, surface Hardening, Medical applications, laser as diagnostic and therapeutic tool, Holography, Theory of recording and reconstruction, application of Holography.
basic characteristics of optical fiber, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, propagation of light through optical fiber, theory of mode formation, classification of fibers, step index and graded index fibers, single mode and multi mode fibers , losses in fibers, fabrication techniques of fibers.
Source and detectors for Optical Fiber communication, Laser and LED, Analog and digital modulation methods, Principle of optical detection, pin and APD photodetectors, Noise, Design consideration of a Optical Fiber communication system.