Medical Physics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to – 

  • provide knowledge of the operation and principles used in the systems and procedures associated with the clinical track.
  • acquaint the students with  nuclear  radiation and radioactivity, its properties, units of measure, dosimetry measurement concepts and methods .
  • develop an understanding of  the biological effects of radiation  and its application for radiation safety and for radiation treatment.
  • prepare students to take further studies in Bio-Physics or take up interdisciplinary research  and make them suitable for handling various medical diagnostic instruments based on principles of Physics.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




Course Code

Course Title








Medical Physics






CO63: Develop an understanding of various imaging techniques like the ultrasound, color Doppler, computed tomography, conventional radiography, digital radiography, mammography and magnetic resonance imaging.

CO64: Analyse X rays and its production

CO65: Compare different types of radiation dosimeter, analyse need for radiological protection and the sources of an approximate level of radiation exposure for treatment purposes. 

CO66: Critically analyze the various types of biological effects of radiation and interpret them.

CO67: Evaluate sources of radiation exposure, standards, regulations, exposure limits and analyse radiation protection procedures for patients and personnel, roles of advisory groups and regulatory agencies in radiation safety.

CO68: Contribute effectively in course - specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, , Demonstration, Problem Solvingin tutorials, Visit to a medical college/ university



Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions,  Seminar presentation, Solving numerical,

Additional learning through online videos

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems s, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Recent advances in imaging technology

Basic principle of Ultrasound, colour Doppler, Computed tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-: Principle, application, its advantage over computed tomography or ultra sonography, Conventional  radiography, Digital Radiography, Mammography.

Unit II: 

Production of X-rays: X-ray tube, anode, cathode construction and working principles of transformers and auto transformers used in x-ray circuits, voltagerectification and measurements in x-ray circuits. Physics of x-ray production ( Bremsstrahlung and Characteristic x-rays).


Unit III: 
Radiation Dosimetry

Characteristic curve of gas-filled detectors. Regions of the characteristic curve. Construction of gas filled detectors and their working. Scintillation counter, semiconductor detector, alpha particle monitoring, Gamma and x-ray monitoring, and neutron monitoring devices.Measurement of absorbed dose using calorimetry, chemical dosimetry solid-state methods, TLD & film dosimetry.

Unit IV: 
Biological effects of radiation

Direct and indirect action of radiation, cell cycle effect, somatic and genetic effects. Effects on tissues and organs: Stochastic and non-stochastic (deterministic) effects, acute effects, late effects, effects of radiation on Embryo & foetus: lethal effects, organ malformation, growth impairment, mental retardation, cancer induction, genetic effects, Late (delayed) effects: cataract formation, organ function, cancer induction.

Unit V: 
Radiation Safety

Radiation protection quantities and units: exposure, absorbed dose, KERMA, dose equivalent (H). Committed dose equivalent (HT), effective dose equivalent (HE), Equivalent dose ((HTR), effective dose (E).Sources of radiation exposure: Natural sources and human made sources. Standards and regulations, philosophies of exposure limit , occupational limits, non-occupational limits. Radiation protection procedures for patients and personnel. Advisory groups & regulatory agencies - ICRP, NCRP,UNSCEAR, AERB.


Essential Readings: 
  • Essential Physics of Medical Imaging
  • Medical Physics – J. R. Cameron & J. G. Skofronick.
  • Basis Radiological Physics – Dr. K. Thayalam.
  • Physics of Human body – Irering P. Herman
  • Pysics of Radiation Therapy – F M Kahn.
  • Christenson’s Physics of Diagnostic Radiology : Curry, Dowday & Murry.



  • “Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists”, E.B.Podgorsak, Second Edition, Springer,2009.
  • “An Introduction to Medical Physics”, Muhammad Maqbool,Springer,2017.




Academic Year: