1. Atwater, Introduction to microwave theory (McGraw Hill).
2. M.L.Sisodia and G.S. Raghuvanshi, Microwave Circuits & Passive Devices. (New Age International, New Delhi)
3. RE. Collin, Foundations of microwave engineering. (McGraw Hill).
4. H.A. Watson, Microwave Semiconductor Devices and their Circuit applications. (McGraw Hill).
5. M.L. Sisodia and Vijay Laxmi Gupta, Microwave. ( New Age, New Delhi).
6. A.Vanderziel, Solid State physical electronics. (PHI, India).
7. M. Sucher & J.Fox, Hand book of microwave measurement. Vol-II (Polytechnic Press, New York).
8. H.J. Reich, Microwave Principles. (CBS).
9. K. C. Gupta, Microwaves. (Wiley)
10. Ben Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, V Edition (Amazon)
11. A.R. Von Hippel, Dielectric materials and Applications (Wiley, New York)