Microwave Electronics

Paper Code: 
PHY 144(A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to have an overview about microwaves, production of microwaves, propagation of microwaves through wave guides, resonators,  passive devices  and ferrites.

Course Outcome :
After completion of the course, students will be able to:

•    Have knowledge of rectangular and circular  waveguides and derive the field equations for electric and magnetic fields in them.

•    Learn about waveguide resonators and  calculate its Q factor.

•    Have an introduction to ferrites and its applications,

•     Explain and analyse Klystron and its types , magnetrons and travelling wave tubes.

•    Know about the concept  and  procedure to measure different parameters like  
        VSWR,Impedance , frequency & attenuation ,etc.

•    Have a concept of Complex permittivity of material and  its measurement


Unit I: 

Introduction to microwaves and its frequency spectrum, Application of microwaves.
Wave guides:
(a)    Rectangular wave guides: Wave Equation & its solutions, TE & TM modes, Dominant mode and choice of wave guide Dimensions, Methods of excitation of wave guide, Introduction to micro strip wavelines.
(b)    Attenuation - Cause of attenuation in wave guides, wall current & derivation of   attenuation constant, Q of the wave guide.

Resonators: Resonant Modes of rectangular cavity resonators,
Q of the cavity resonators, Excitation techniques, Frequency meter, Tuning Probe.


Unit II: 

Ferrites: Microwave propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, Devices employing Faraday rotation (isolator, Gyrator, Circulator).

Passive Devices: Termination (Short circuit and matched terminations),
Attenuator, phase changers, E&H plane Tees, Hybrid Junctions. Directional coupler.

Unit III: 

Microwave tubes: Spacecharge spreading of an electronbeam, Beam focusing.
Klystrons: Velocity Modulation, Two Cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Efficiency of Klystrons.
Magnetrons: types & description, Theoretical relations between Electric & Magnetic   field of oscillations. Modes of oscillation & operating characteristics.
Introduction to Travelling wave tubes.

Unit IV: 

Avalanche Transit Time Device:Read Diode, Negative resistance of an     avalanching     p-n     Junction     diode,.
Transferred Electron Device: Gunn effect, two velley, model, High field
Domains, Different Modes for Microwave generation.

Unit V: 

Microwave Measurement:
(a) Microwave Detectors: Power, Frequency, Attenuation, Impedance (Using smith
Chart), VSWR, Reflectometer, Directivity, coupling using directional coupler.
(b)  Complex permittivity of materials & its measurement: definition of complex
permmittity, measurement of permmittity of solids, liquids and powders using different methods.


1.    Atwater, Introduction to microwave theory (McGraw Hill).
2.    M.L.Sisodia and G.S. Raghuvanshi, Microwave Circuits & Passive Devices. (New Age International, New Delhi)
3.    RE. Collin, Foundations of microwave engineering. (McGraw Hill).
4.    H.A. Watson, Microwave Semiconductor Devices and their Circuit applications. (McGraw Hill).
5.    M.L. Sisodia and Vijay Laxmi Gupta, Microwave. ( New Age, New Delhi).
6.    A.Vanderziel, Solid State physical electronics. (PHI, India).        
7.    M. Sucher & J.Fox, Hand book of microwave measurement. Vol-II (Polytechnic Press, New York).
8.    H.J. Reich, Microwave Principles. (CBS).
9.    K. C. Gupta, Microwaves. (Wiley)
10.    Ben Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, V Edition (Amazon)
11.    A.R. Von Hippel, Dielectric materials and Applications (Wiley, New York)

Academic Year: