Microwave Electronics-I

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to – 

  • make students learn about basics of microwaves, wave guides and field equations.
  • familiarize the students  with techniques of generation and propagation of microwaves.
  • acquaint the students with microwave measurement techniques.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24PHY 324(B)




Microwave Electronics-I 





CO97: Analyse  rectangular and circular waveguides and derive the field equations for electric and magnetic fields in them.

CO98: Develop the knowledge about waveguide resonators and calculate its Q factor ; understandferrites and its applications

CO99: Explain and analyse Klystron and compare its types. 

CO100: Interpret the construction and working of magnetrons and travelling wave tubes and their application.

CO101: Explain the procedures tomeasure different parameters and to  develop the concept of Complex permittivity of material and compare different methods of measurement of permittivity.

CO102: Contribute effectively in course - specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, , Demonstration, Problem Solving



Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions,  Seminar presentation, Solving numerical.

Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Microwaves and Waveguides

Introduction to microwaves and its frequency spectrum, Application of microwaves.
(a) Rectangular wave guide : Wave equation & its solutions, TE & TM modes. Dominant mode and choice of wave guide dimensions, methods of excitation of waveguides.

(b) Circular wave guide : wave equation & it solutions, TE, TM & TEM modes. 
(c) Attenuation - Cause of attenuation in wave guides, wall current. & derivation of attenuation constant, Q of the wave guide. 

Unit II: 
Resonators and Ferrites

Resonant Modes of rectangular and cylindrical cavity resonators, Q of the cavity resonators, Excitation techniques, Introduction to Mircostrip and Dielectric resonators, Frequency meter. 
(b) Microwave propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, Devices emPSOying Faraday rotation (isolator, Gyrator, Circulator). Introduction to single crystal ferromagnetic resonators, YIG tuned solid state resonators. 

Unit III: 
Microwave tubes

Space charge spreading of an electron beam, Beam focusing. 
Klystrons: Velocity Modulation, Two Cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Efficiency of Klystrons.                                 

Unit IV: 

Types & description, theoretical relations between Electric & Magnetic field of oscillations, Modes of oscillations & operating characteristics, 
Traveling wave tubes: O & M type traveling wave tubes. Gyrotrons: Constructions of different Gyrotrons, Field - Particle Interaction in Gyrotron.

Unit V: 
Microwave Measurement

Microwave Detectors , Power, Frequency, Attenuation, Impedance using smith chart, VSWR, Reflectometer, Directivity Coupling using direction coupler. 
(b) Complex permittivity of material & its measurement: definition of complex permittivity, determination of permittivity of solids, liquids and powders using shift in minima method.


Essential Readings: 
  • Foundations of Microwave Engineering by R.E. Collin (McGraw Hill).
  • Microwave Circuits & Passive Devices by M.L. Sisodia adn G.S. Raghuvanshi   (Willey Eastern,        New Delhi).
  • Microwaves by M.L. Sisodia & Vijay Laxmi Gupta.
  • Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating System-Jorden & Balmain.
  • Theory and Applications of Microwaves A.B. Brownwell & R.E. Beam (Mc Graw Hill). 
  • Introduction to Microwave Theory by Atwater (McGraw Hill). 
  • Principles of Microwave circuits by G.C. Montogmetry (McGraw Hill). 
  • Microwave Semiconductor Devices and their Circuit applications by H.A. Watson.
  • Hand book of microwave measurement Vol-II by M. Sucher & J. Fox (Polytechnic Press, New York). 


 E- Content:

Academic Year: