This course will enable the students to –
Course outcomes (COs):
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Paper Title |
PHY 324(B)
Microwave Electronics-I (Theory)
The students will be able to: CO85: analyse rectangular and circular waveguides and derive the field equations for electric and magnetic fields in them. CO86: learn about waveguide resonators and calculate its Q factor. CO87: understand ferrites and its applications CO88: explain and analyse Klystron and its types, magnetrons and travelling wave tubes. CO89: explain the procedures to measure different parameters like VSWR, Impedance, frequency & attenuation, etc. CO90: develop the concept of Complex permittivity of material and compare different methods of measurement of permittivity. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, , Demonstration, Problem Solving
Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numerical. Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations |
(a) Rectangular wave guide : Wave equation & its solutions, TE & TM modes. Dominant mode and choice of wave guide dimensions, methods of excitation of waveguides.(b) Circular wave guide : wave equation & it solutions, TE, TM & TEM modes.
(c) Attenuation - Cause of attenuation in wave guides, wall current. & derivation of attenuation constant, Q of the wave guide.
(a) Resonators: Resonant Modes of rectangular and cylindrical cavity resonators, Q of the cavity resonators, Excitation techniques, Introduction to Mircostrip and Dielectric resonators, Frequency meter.
(b) Ferrites: Microwave propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, Devices emPSOying Faraday rotation (isolator, Gyrator, Circulator). Introduction to single crystal ferromagnetic resonators, YIG tuned solid state resonators.
Microwave tubes: Space charge spreading of an electron beam, Beam focusing.
Klystrons: Velocity Modulation, Two Cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Efficiency of Klystrons.
Magnetrons: Types & description, theoretical relations between Electric & Magnetic field of oscillations, Modes of oscillations & operating characteristics,
Traveling wave tubes: O & M type traveling wave tubes. Gyrotrons: Constructions of different Gyrotrons, Field - Particle Interaction in Gyrotron.
(a) Microwave Detectors , Power, Frequency, Attenuation, Impedance using smith chart, VSWR, Reflectometer, Directivity Coupling using direction coupler.
(b) Complex permittivity of material & its measurement: definition of complex permittivity, determination of permittivity of solids, liquids and powders using shift in minima method.