Microwave Electronics- II

Paper Code: 
PHY 424(B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

his course will enable the students to –
1.    To make students learn construction and working of microwave solid state devices.
2.    To acquaint the students about microwave experimentation needed for research and industry.
3.    To equip students with the practical knowledge of microwaves, so that they prove to be useful manpower to the microwave industry.

Course outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




Paper Title

PHY 424(B)




Microwave Electronics- II





The students will be able to:


CO125: have knowledge of Avalanche Transit Time Device and Transferred Electron Device and differentiate between them.

CO126: explain and analyse various microwave devices.

CO127: understand the working of antennas., Analyze the radiation mechanisms of antennas and develop an ability to discriminate between antennas on the basis of their electrical performance.

CO128: understand the significance of microwave communication.

CO129: explain the basics of satellite communication.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Demonstration, Power Point Presentation.problem solving in tutorials


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation.

Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 

(a) Avalanche Transit Time Device: Read Diode, Negative resistance of an avalanching p-n junction diode  ,IMPATT and TRAPATT Oscillator.
(b) Transferred Electron Device: Gunn Effect, two valley model, High field    domains, Different modes for Microwave generation.


Unit II: 

Microwave Devices : Termination (Short circuit and mathced terminations) Attenuator, Phase changers, E & H plane Tees, Hybrid Junctions. Directional coupler. Parametric Amplifier: Varactor, Equation of Capacitance in Linearly graded & Abrupt p-n Junction, Manely Rowe relations, parametric upconvertor and Negative resistance parametric amplifier, use of circulator, Noise in parametric amplifiers.


Unit III: 

Microwave Antennas: Introduction to antenna parameters, Magnetic Currents, Electric and magnetic current sheet, Field of Huygen's source, Radiation from a slot antenna, open end of a wave guide and Electromagnetic Horns. Parabolic reflectors, Lens antennas. Radiation fields of Microstrip wave guide,  Microstrip antenna calculations, Mircrostrip design formulas.                    


Unit IV: 

Microwave Communications: Modes of Microwave Communication: LOS, Diffraction, Troposphere, Line of sight microwave system, Derivation of LOS communication range, Over the Horizon microwave systems, Derivation of fields strength of tropospheric waves, Transmission, interference and signal damping, Duct propagation.


Unit V: 

Satellite Communication : Satellite orbits, Satellite location with Synchronous satellites, Satellite location with respect to earth and looks angle, earth coverage and slant range, Eclipse effect, Link calculation, Noise consideration, Factors Affecting satellite communication.


Essential Readings: 

1.    Microwave by M.L. Sisodia & Vijay laxmi Gupta.
2.    Foundations of microwave engineering by R.E. Collin. (Mc Graw Hill).
3.    Microwave device & circuits by S.Y. Liao (HPI, India).


1.    Theory and application of microwaves by A.B. Brownwell & R.E. Beam (Mc Graw Hill.)
2.    Microwave Electronics by R.F. Soohoo (Addisen Welsey Publ. Comp.).
3.    Semiconductors & Electronic devices by A. Barlevc (CPHI, India.)
4.    Solid State physical electronics by B G Steelman (PHI, India).
5.    Microwave Principles by H.J. Reich (CBS).
6.    Antenna Theory, Part-I by R.E. Collin & F.J. Zucker (McGraw Hill, New York).
7.    Microstrip Antennas by Bahl & Bhartiya (Artech House, Messachausetts).
8.    Antenna Theory Analysis by E.A. Wolff (J.Willey & sons).
9.    Antenna Theory Analysis by C.A. Balanis Harper & Row, Publ. & Inc. New York.
10.    Antenna Theory & Design by R.C. Elliott (LPHI Ltd. New Delhi.).      

E- Content:
1.    https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
2.          https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101112

Academic Year: