Physics in Everyday Life (Generic Elective)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To develop an understanding of the working principles of different equipment and enhance their skills to handle them. 
  • To Differentiate types of material and learn various concept of Physics.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Physics in Everyday Life (Theory)

CO1: Determine the length of objects in different system of units. Demonstrate the use of friction in daily life & determine temperature in Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit scales. 

CO2: Evaluate the efficiency, safety, and reliability of different household equipment based on the understanding of their working principles.

CO3:Discuss about Generation and efficient transmission of electricity and Renewable energy resources.

CO4: Investigate the results observed from Vernier Callipers, Screw Gauge and Focal length of a convex lens.

CO5: Analyze and interpretation of results obtained from P-N Junction Diode, Ohm’s law and melting point of wax.

CO6: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation, Problem Solving in tutorials, guest lectures


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numericals

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems ,Assignments,Presentations


Unit I: 
Concept of measurements

Concept of measurements, units of length, mass and time in CGS and MKS / SI system of units.Friction: Static, kinetic/sliding and rolling. use of wheels, examples where friction is desirable/undesirable, methods of reducing friction: use of ball-bearings and lubricants.Units of measurement of temperature, Various types of Thermometers, clinical thermometer, Modes of transmission of heat: Convection, Conduction and Radiation (Examples from daily life).

Unit II: 
Motorized equipment

Motorized equipment: Vacuum cleaners, Clothes washing machine, Food processors, Heating appliances: Electric irons, Electric water heaters.  Cooling appliances: Refrigeration and air conditioning, Various types of Refrigerators, air conditioners and air coolers, Precautions while using equipment and servicing of equipment used.  

Unit III: 
Generation and efficient transmission of electricity

Generation and efficient transmission of electricity, Safety features in household electric wiring – fuse, MCB, Earthing, Knowledge of sound, echo and their uses, Lenses- convex and concave, focal length, aperture, aberrations. Conductor, semiconductor and insulator, PN junction Diode, Renewable energy resources (Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Ocean Energy, Hydrothermal Energy), Solar Energy, Solar Cell (construction and working).

Unit IV: 
Practical Exercise -I
  • To determine the volume of a Beaker using Vernier Callipers.
  • To determine the diameter of a wire using Screw Gauge.
  • To calculate the Focal length of a convex lens using Displacement method.   
Unit V: 
Practical Exercise- II

·       To Study the characteristic curve of a P-N Junction diode.

·       To determine the melting point of  wax.

·       To verify Ohm’s Law.

Essential Readings: 

• Household Physics (2012), Claude H. Brechner, Hardpress. 

• Applied Photography Optics, 3rd Edition, Sidney E. Ray, Focal Press 2002.   

• Modern Physics, Murugeshan, S. Chand and Co., 2002.  

• Engineering Physics: Fundamentals and modern applications, P. Khare and A. Swarup, Jones and  Barlett Publishers, 2010. 


Suggested Readings:

• Murugeshan, Modern Physics, S. Chand and Co., 2002.  

• Bhatia, K.B., Elements of Electrical Gadgets, Arya Book Depot, 1993. 

• College Practical Physics by Khanna and Gulati, S. Chand and Co., (1999)




Academic Year: