
Paper Code: 
PHY 325
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to –
1.    To engage students in significant experiences with experimental processes.
2.    To develop basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis
3.    To understand the role of direct observation in Physics and to distinguish between inference based on theory and outcome of experiments.
Course outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




Paper Title

PHY 325













The students will be able to:

CO96: apply the various procedures and techniques for the experiments.

CO97: use the different measuring devices and meters to record the data with precision.

CO98: apply the mathematical concepts/equations to obtain quantitative results.

CO99: develop basiccommunication skills through working in groups in performing the laboratory experiments and by interpreting the results.

Approach in teaching:

Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion ,Conduction of Experiments, Asking viva voce questions.


Learning activities for the students:

Performing Experiments, Analysis and interpretation of observations, Record preparation.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Viva-voce, Practical record File.

The students will be required to perform 8 experiments in each semester from the following list of experiments
1.    To study characteristics of a GM counter and to verify inverse law.
2.     To determine linear and mass attenuation coefficient (u) for γ rays for a given source.(Al,Cu,Pb)
3.    Study the characteristics of a given Klystron and calculate the mode number, E.T.S. and transit time.
4.    Study the radiation pattern of a given Pyramidal horn by PSOtting it variation with angle and variation with distance.
5.    To study electronic structure of Ti C/TiN/MgB2 using WEIN 2K.calculate:
(i) Electronic density          (ii) density of states          (iii) band structure
(iv)Fermi surface                 (v) volume optimization
6.    To study Gunn oscillator as a source of microwave power and study I V characteristic, power and frequency vs bias characteristics and power frequency characteristic.
7.    To determine ultrasonic velocity and compressibility of a given liquid sample using ultra sonic interferometer.
8.    To study absorption of particles and determine range using at least two sources.
9.    To study electronic structure of Si/Al/Na using Quantum Espresso/Abinit.
10.    Use P spice to study
(i) Inverting amplifier
(ii) Non inverting amplifier

Academic Year: