
Paper Code: 
PHY 103
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course introduces students to the methods of experimental physics. Emphasis  is given on laboratory techniques such as accuracy of measurements and data analysis. The concepts that are learnt in the lecture sessions  are translated to the laboratory sessions thus providing a hands-on learning experience.

Course Outcomes (COs): 



Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title





PHY 103








The students will be able to –


CO16: Understand  the concept of  conversion of galvanometer to ammeter and voltmeter , R-C circuit, LR circuit, specific resistance ,electromagnetic induction ,charging and discharging of a condenser, Carey Foster’sbridge and  Faraday’s Law by performing experiments.


CO17: Develop the skills to determine elastic constants like Young’s modulus , modulus of rigidity etc of metallic bar/plate  by different methods .


CO18: Develop oral and written scientific communication skills, and to think critically and work independently.

Approach in teaching:Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion ,Conduction of Experiments, asking viva voce questions


Learning activities for the students:

Performing Experiments, taking observations, Analysis and interpretation of results, preparation of record file

Class test, Semester end examinations, Viva voce, Practical record file


Unit I: 
List of Experiments

1. To study the variation of charge and current with time in a R-C circuit for different time constants using a DC source (charging and discharging characteristics of a condenser).

2. To determine the specific resistance of the material of a resistance wire and to determine the difference between two small resistances using Carey Foster’s bridge.

3. To study the behavior of voltage and current in a LR circuit with AC power source. Also to determine power factor, impedance and phase relations.

4.To study the behaviour of RC circuit with varying resistance and capacitance using AC mains as a power source and also to determine the impedance and phase relationship between voltage and current in the circuit.

5. To study the electromagnetic induction and to verify Faraday’s Law.

6. To study the characteristics of a junction diode .

7. To determine Y,h and s by Searl’s method.

8. To determine Young’s modulus by bending of beam.

9. To determine modulus of rigidity of a wire using Maxwell’s needle.

10.To determine the surface tension of given liquid at room temperature using Jaeger’s method.

11.To convert Galvanometer into an ammeter of given range.

12. To convert Galvanometer into a Voltmeter of given range.


NOTE - Students are expected to perform any eight experiments from the given list. Two experiments out of the eight will be set in the examination paper.

Academic Year: