
Paper Code: 
PHY 203
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course introduces students to the methods of experimental physics. Emphasis is given on laboratory techniques such as accuracy of measurements and data analysis. The concepts that are learnt in the lecture sessions pertaining to Optics and Oscillations are translated to the laboratory sessions thus providing a hands-on learning experience.

Course Outcomes (COs): 



Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Paper Code

Paper Title

PHY 203




The students will be able to –


CO30 :Develop knowledge and skill to determine wavelength of Sodium light by grating, Newton’s rings and  Fresnel’s  Biprism experiment and dispersive power of prism.


CO31: Demonstrate basic concept of resonance  in series LCR circuit and damping of a compound pendulum.


CO32: Understand Brewsters law by verifying it.


CO33:Learn about variation of magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil 

Approach in teaching:Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion ,Conduction of Experiments

Learning activities for the students:Performing Experiments, taking observations , Analysis and interpretation of results, Error analysis, preparation of viva voce questions and maintain practical record.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Viva voce, Practical record file


List of Experiments

1.   To determine wavelength of Sodium light by grating.

2.   To determine wavelength of Sodium light by Fresnel’s  Biprism.

3.   To determine dispersive  power of a prism using Mercury light.

4.   Using Newton’s rings find out the wavelength of the given monochromatic source.

5.   Using Michelsons’s interferometer, find out l and Dl for Sodium Light. 

6.   To determine Brewster’s angle and refractive index of glass by using spectrometer and Polaroids.

       7.    To study damping of a compound pendulum and to determine the quality factor. 

8.    To study the charging of a condenser by unidirectional varying voltage        pulses/alternating voltage pulses and then to integrate them.

9.    Study of dependence of velocity of wave propagation on line parameter using     torsional wave apparatus.

10.    To study the variation of  magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil. Plot the necessary graph and hence determine the radius of circular coil.

11.  To study resonance in a series L C R circuit and determine Q factor of the       circuit.

12.  To study the variation of reflection coefficient of nature of termination using         torsional wave apparatus. 

NOTE - Students are expected to perform any eight experiments from the given list. Two experiments out of the eight will be set in the examination paper.


Academic Year: