Quantum Mechanics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

· provide an understanding of the formalism and language of quantum mechanics.

·learn perturbation method to find out energy eigen states and wave functions for a system.

·understand the concepts of transition between stationary states, symmetries and angular momentum and apply quantum mechanical procedures for solving different types of problems.

· understand C.G. coefficients and time reversal symmetry.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24PHY 123

Quantum Mechanics



CO13: Demonstrate the ability to apply Hermitian operators to quantum-mechanical systems, analyze quantum states using Dirac's Bra and Ket notation, and understand the principles of eigenstates, eigenvalues, and degeneracy 

CO14: Apply approximation methods to study stationary states, analyze time-independent perturbations, and solve problems related to harmonic oscillators and degenerate perturbation theory

CO15: Develop proficiency in analyzing two-state quantum systems, diagonalizing energy matrices, and solving time-independent perturbations in such systems 

CO16: Relate conservation laws with symmetries and convert various operators in coordinate and momentum representations.

CO17: Analyze the angular momentum operators and C.G. Coefficients and analyze quantum many body problems.

CO18: Contribute effectively in

course-specific interaction.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Solving problems in tutorials, Demonstration. Power point Presentation



Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation.

Additional learning through online videos and MOOC courses

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
States, Amplitude, Operators ,Observables and Description of Quantum Systems

I(a)   Hermitian operators and their properties, Unitary operators, Dirac’s Bra and Ket notation: Normalization and orthogonality conditions; Orthnormality; Eigen states and eigen values of an operator; Degeneracy

States of a quantum mechanical system, Representation of quantum-mechanical states, Properties of quantum mechanical amplitudes, Operators and change of state, a complete set of basis states, product of linear operators.

I(b) Process of measurement; Expectation values; Time dependence of quantum mechanical amplitudes; Observables with no classical analogue: spin; Dependence of quantum mechanical amplitude on position: the wave functions; Super position of amplitudes: interference.

Unit II: 
Stationary States of a Quantum System and Approximation Methods

II(a) Hamiltonian matrix and the time evolution of  Quantum mechanical States; Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian matrix; 

II(b)Time independent perturbation of an nondegenerate system; Harmonic Oscillator and simple matrix. examples of time independent perturbation, Degenerate Perturbation Theory.


Unit III: 
Two State Systems and Transition between Stationary States.

III(a)  Energy eigen states of a two state system; Diagonalizing the energy matrix, Time independent perturbation of a two state system, the perturbation solution: weak field and strong field cases; General description of a two state system: Pauli matrices; Ammonia molecule as an example of two state system.

III(b)   Transitions in a two state system; Time dependent perturbations: The Golden Rule, Adiabatic and Sudden Perturbation, Phase space, Energy width of quasi stationary states.

Unit IV: 
Symmetries and Representation of Coordinate and Momentum.

IV(a) Compatible observables and constants of motion; Symmetry transformation and conservation laws; Invariance of the Hamiltonian; Invariance under space and time translations and space rotation and conservation of momentum, energy and angular momentum. Space inversion, Time Reversal.

IV(b) Coordinate representation of operators: position, momentum and angular momentum, Time Dependence of expectation values, Components of angular momentum operator in Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates, Commutation relations.

Unit V: 
Angular momentum

V(a) Angular momentum operators and their eigen values; Matrix representation of the angular momentum operators and their eigen states; Coordinate representation of the orbital angular momentum operators and their eigen states (Spherical Harmonics).

V(b) Composition of angular momenta: Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients; Recursion relations; Construction procedure; C.G. Coefficients for simple cases (j1 = ½ , j2 = ½ ;  j1=1, j2 = ½;  j1=1, j2=1), Irreducible spherical tensor operators,  Wigner-Eckart theorem.

Essential Readings: 
  • “Quantum Mechanics - A modern approach “, Ashok Das and A.C. Melissinos ,Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (1990)
  • “Quantum Mechanics“ L.I. Schiff, Mc Graw Hill Book company (1968)
  • “Perspective of Quantum Mechanics” S.P. Kuila, New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd. London (2011)
  • “Quantum Mechanics - Theory and Applications”, A. Ghatak and S. Lokanathan, V Edition, Mc Millan, India Ltd. (2010).
  • “Quantum Mechanics; Concept and Application” N. Zettili (Wiley Publication).
  • Modern Quantum Mechanics by J.J. Sakurai (Addison-Wesley, 1999).
  • Quantum Physics (atoms, molecules…) R. Eisberg and R. Resnick (J. Wiley), 2005.
  • “The principles of Quantum Mechanics”, P.A.M. Dirac, IV Edition, Ox Ford University Press (2008)
  • “Quantum Mechanics”, E. Merzbecher, Third Edition, Wiley India (2012)
    “Quantum Mechanics - Relativistic theory “, L.P. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz ,Pergamon Press.
  • ”Modern Quantum Mechanics”, J. J. Sakurai , Pearson (1994)
  • “A text book of Quantum Mechanics” P.M. Mathews & K. Venkatesan, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi IV Edition (2012).
  • Quantum Mechanics”, John L. Powell & B. Crasemann, Addison Wesley (1963).

E-Contents:       http://puccini.chimica.uniba.it/didattica/corsi/solid_state_chem/qm/Quantum_Mechanics_Thankappan.pdf



Academic Year: