Research Methodology & Special Skills

Paper Code: 
PHY 141
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course is designed to enable students to acquaint the students with the concept of research, Research Methodology ,Statistical Methods ,Errors in Observations  and calculationsand different numerical methods . The students will also have an insight of research literature in Physics.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course , the student  will be able to

  • Understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies .
  • Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters and  prepare a proposal .
  • Know different statistical parameters and tests.
  • Differentiate between different distribution functions and error analysis.
  • Learn about literature review in Physics.


Unit I: 

•    Research: Meaning, Definition, Methodology, Research process, Criterion of good research  

•    Types of Research: Fundamental or Basic, Applied, Historical, Descriptive, Analytical quantitative, qualitative, Conceptual   Experimental, Case study

•    Research Design: Meaning, Concepts, need,  designs for different types of research; library, laboratory and field research; Advantages of Designing Research

•    Research Problem and Developing Research proposal: Selection of research area and topic, statement of the research problem, its scope, steps involved in defining the problem.
•    Literature Search: Reviewing related literature, referencing, abstracting, Computer search, bibliography, evaluation of the problem.
•    Defining concepts, objectives, basic assumptions, delimitations and limitations of the problem, Statement of Hypothesis. 

Unit II: 

•    Variables: Independent and dependent variables, qualitative and quantitative variables, discrete and continuous variables, confounding variables, methods of controlling variables. Measurement of variables.

•    Sampling:  Meaning, Characteristics of a good sample design, steps in sampling design, types, advantages

•    Techniques of Data Collection:
•    Primary data; Questionnaire, Schedules, Interview observation & other methods
•    Secondary data: Reliability, suitability & Adequacy of data.
•    Processing and Analysis of Data: Processing Operations: Editing, coding, classification and tabulation of data, Elements of Data Analysis, Role of statistics in Data Analysis. Statistical Tables
•    Report writing: Types, Format

Unit III: 

•    Probability:  Basic Aspects, probability of combination of events, probability of random variables, distribution of random variable

•    Statistical Methods: Measures of Central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode, Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean.  

•    Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean Deviation, Variance, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of variation

•    Regression and Correlation: Least square method of fitting a regression line, curvilinear regression, correlation methods, correlation coefficient.
•    Test of Significance: t-test, chi-test, ANOVA, f-test
•    Hypothesis

Unit IV: 

•    Common distribution functions: Binomial probability distribution, Poisson distribution and normal distribution etc.
•    Errors  in Experiments: Errors in observations; random errors, systematic errors; Normal law of errors; Average error, Standard error and probable error; significant figures; percentage error.

•    Errors in Calculations: Approximate numbers and significant figures; Rounding of numbers; Absolute and relative errors, Relation between relative Error and significant figures; General formula for Errors; Application of Error formulas to fundamental operations of Arithmetics


Unit V: 

Research Literature in Physics:
•    Abstracts and Journals and Physics, Electronic Journals, major libraries, arXivs, Data books and other resources of information, subscribing journals in Physics
•    Scientific Writing: Organization and writing a research paper, short communication, review articles, monographs, technical and survey reports, authored books, edited books, dissertation, thesis
•    Patents and patent writing, type of different applications, Disclosure for an invention in the thesis
•    IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), Types, objectives, Limitations, Agreements, Laws and Government Enforcement.      


Essential Readings: 

1.    Agrawal, B.L., Basic statistics, New Delhi: New Age publishers.
2.    Ahuja Ram (2006) Research Methods, Jaipur: Rawat Publication
3.    Chattopadhyay, D. and Rakshit, P.C. An Advance course  in Practical Physics Kolkata: New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd.

4.    E., Balagurusamy, Numerical Methods, Tata Mc. Graw Hill.
5.    Jain M.K., and Iyengar, Numerical methods problems and solutions, New Age International Ltd.
6.    Kothari, C.R. (1989) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Bangalore: Wiley Eastern.

7.    Rosander, A.C.(1965) Elements of Probability and Principles of Statistics, Calcutta: East West Press.
8.    Scarborough J.B., (1971) Numerical Mathematical Analysis, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.


1.    Allen, R.G.D.(1958) Statistics for Economics, London: Allen & Unwin.
2.    Agarwal, J.C. (1989) Educational Research – An Introduction, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
3.    Anderson T.W. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Publication Ltd.

4.    Bernad Oste and Mensing R.W. (1975) Statistics in Research Ames: The Lowa State University Press.

5.    Best John W. and Kahn, James V. (2006) Research in Education, NEW Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.

6.    Best, J.W. (1989) Research in Education, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
7.    Bose, Pradip Kumar (1995) Research Methodology, New Delhi:ICSSR
8.    Braun, Robert, Introduction to Instrumental analysis; Mc.Graw Hill.
9.    Burns, Robert B.(2000) Introduction to Research Methods, New Delhi; Sage publications.
10.    Campbell, R. C. (1989) Statistics for Biologist, Cambridge University Press.
11.    Chandra, S.S. and Sharma, R.K., Research in Education, New Delhi: Atlantis Publishers.
12.    Hagood, M.J. and Price, D.O., Theory of sampling.
13.    Mahalanobis, P.G., Experiments in Statistical sampling, Calcutta: ISI.
14.    Maron, J.Melvin, Numerical Analysis a Practical Approach, New York. Macmillion Publishing Co.

15.    Peatman, J.G., Descriptive and sampling Statistics.
16.    Prakash, S.(2006) Theory of Sampling, Xeroxa: BIMTECH.
17.    Reddy, C.R., Research Methodology in social sciences, New Delhi: Daya Publishing House.
18.    Ropper, Karl R. (1968) The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Hutchinson.
19.    Sarvavanavel, P.(2003) Research Methodology, Allahabad; Kitab Mahal.
20.    Shanlla K.R. (2002) Research Methodology, New Delhi: National Publishing House.
21.    Weatherburu, C.E.A. (1946) A first course in Mathematical Statistics, Cambridge
22.    Young, P.V., (1988) Scientific Social Surveys & Research, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
23.    Yule, G.V. and Kendall, M.G., An Introduction to the theory of statistics.
24.    Hamming Richard, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers.

Academic Year: