The paper prepares the students to better understand the phenomena related to Characteristics of solids. This will help him/her to take advanced studies in this area.
Lattice Dynamics and Optical Properties of Solids: Interatomic forces and lattice dynamics, simple metals, ionic and covalent crystals, optical phonons and dielectric constants, inelastic neutron scattering, Mossbauer effect. Debye-Waller factor, Anharmonicity, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity, Interaction of electrons and phonons with photons, Direct and indirect transitions, Absorption in insulators, Polarities, one-phonon absorption, optical properties of metals, skin effect and anomalous skin effect.
Semiconductors: Law of mass action, calculation of impurity conductivity, ellipsoidal energy surfaces in Si and Ge, Hall Effect, recombination mechanism, optical transitions and Schockely-Read theory, excitations, photoconductivity, photo-luminescence. Point’s line, planar and bulk defects, colour centres, F-centre and aggregate centres in alkali halides.
Magnetism: Larmor diamagnetism. Paramagnetism, Curie-Langevin and Quantum theories, Susceptibility of rare earth and transition metals, Ferromagnetism: Domain theory, Weiss molecular field and exchange, spin waves: dispersion relation and its experimental determination by inelastic neutrons scattering, heat capacity. Nuclear Magnetic resonance: Conditions of resonance, Bloch equations, NMR- experiment and characteristics of an absorption line.
Cooper pairs and derivation of BCS Hamiltonian, results of BCS Theory (no derivation), High Tc superconductivity, introduction to theories of High Tc superconductors.