Thermal Physics and Statistical Physics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To acquaint themselves with basic laws of thermodynamics and statistical physics, methods of producing low temperatures, Carnots engine.
  • To develop an aptitude to design more efficient systems. 
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

   Course Title


24CPHY 301


Thermal Physics and Statistical Physics


CO21: Understand the basic concepts of  thermodynamics, Zeroth, first and  second law of thermodynamics, entropy and the associated theorems, Carnot’s engine. 

CO22: Develop the concept ofthermodynamic potentialsand their physical interpretations, derive  Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations and apply them.

CO23: Compare different methods to produce low temperatures and differentiate between He I and He II.

CO24 : Understand basic aspects of kinetic theory of gases and apply them.

CO25 : Compare and analyze different types of Statistics.

CO26: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.        

  Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation, Problem Solving in tutorials

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numericals Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems, Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Basic Thermodynamics

The Zeroth law, Various indicator diagrams (P-V diagram), First law of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot’s engine, Carnot’s cycle and efficiency of Carnot’s engine, reversibility of Carnot’s engine, Carnot’s theorem. Second law of thermodynamics, (different statements and their equivalence) Entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Thermodynamic scale of temperature, Thermodynamic scale as an absolute scale, Third law of thermodynamics, Nernst heat theorem.

Unit II: 
Thermodynamic Potentials and Maxwell’s Relations

Triple point, Clausius Clapyron latent heat equation, Effect of pressure on boiling point of liquids, Thermodynamic potentials: Helmholtz free energy, Enthalpy, Gibbs function, Internal energy, , Deduction of Maxwell’s relations from thermodynamic potentials.

Derivations of Maxwell’s Relations, Applications of Maxwell’s Relations: Clausius Clapeyron equation, Values of Cp-Cv, Joule-Thomson coefficient for Ideal and Van der Waal Gases, Change of Temperature during Adiabatic Process.

Unit III: 
Production of low temperatures

Joule Thomson expansion and JT coefficient for ideal as well as Vander Waals gas, Porous plug experiment, Temperature of inversion, Regenerative cooling, cooling by adiabatic expansion and demagnetization, liquid He, He I and He II, Peculiar properties of He II.

Unit IV: 
Distribution of molecular velocities

Distribution law of molecular velocities, Most probable, Average and RMS velocities, energy distribution function, Experimental verification of Maxwell velocity distribution, Principle of equipartition of energy.

Mean free path and collision cross section, distribution of mean free path, Transport of mass, momentum and energy and their interrelationship, (coefficient of viscosity, thermal conductivity & diffusion)

Unit V: 
Classical and Quantum Statistics

Phase space, micro and macro states, Thermodynamic probability, relation between entropy and thermodynamic probability, Monatomic ideal gas, specific heat capacity of diatomic gas and specific heat of solids.

Failure of classical statistics (Blackbody radiation and various laws of distribution of radiation, qualitative discussion of Weins and Rayleigh Jeans Law), Postulates of quantum statistics ,Bose Einstein statistics and its distribution function, Planck’s distribution function and radiation formula, Fermi Dirac statistics and its distribution function.

Essential Readings: 
  • “Heat and Thermodynamics”, Singhal, Agarwal and Prakash, Pragati Prakashan.
  • “Heat and Thermodynamics”, Brijlal and Subramaniam, S. Chand & Sons.
  • “Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics”, S. L. Kakani, Sultan Chand & Sons.


Suggested Readings:

  • “Statistical and Thermal Physics”, S. Loknathan and R.S. Gambhir, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 1991.
  •  “Thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases and Statistical Mechanics”, F. W. Sears, G. L. Salinger, Narosa Pub. House.
  •  “Introduction to Statistical Mechanics”, B.B. Laud, Mc Milan India Ltd.
  • “Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics”, Federick Reif, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1992.
  • “Heat and Thermodynamics”, M.S.Yadav, Anmol Publications.
  • “Fundamentals of Statistical Physics”, A.K. Das Gupta, New Central Book Company, Calcutta, 2003.



Academic Year: