Nuclear & Particle Physics

Paper Code: 
PHY 512
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to -
To give the students insight into the fundamentals of structure of nucleus nuclear binding energy, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, fission, fusion etc. and particle physics
Course Outcomes (COs): 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

PHY 512

Nuclear and Particle Physics



The students will be able to –


CO126: develop basic knowledge of different properties of nuclei and understand liquid drop model and semi empirical mass formula and apply it.


CO127:analyze nuclear Fission and Fusion and calculate energy released in these reactions.


CO128: demonstrate the basic forces in nature and classification of particles and learn about various conservations laws.


CO129: Understand and compare the structure and working of different accelerators and compare them.


CO130: explain and analyze the construction and working of nuclear detectors and analyze.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation,  Problem Solving

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Solving numerical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems , Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Nuclear Properties: Rutherford’s theory of a particle scattering, Basic properties: charge, mass, size, spin, magnetic moment, electric quadrupole moment, Parity, Binding energy per nucleon and its observed variation with mass number of the nucleus. Semi empirical mass formula –coulomb energy, volume energy, surface energy, other corrections, explanation of binding energy curve, Liquid drop model ,Nuclear forces and their properties, Theory of nuclear forces.
Unit II: 
Nuclear Fission: Energy release in fission, Theory of nuclear fission and liquid drop model, Barrier penetration – Theory of spontaneous fission, Nuclear chain reaction, condition of controlled chain reaction, Principle of nuclear reactors, classification of reactors.
Nuclear Fusion: Energy release in fusion, fusion reactions in stars : carbon and pp cycle.
Unit III: 
Particle Physics: Classification of elementary particles, properties of particles. Fundamental interactions, Conservation laws : Energy ,momentum, angular momentum, charge, lepton number, Baryon number, isospin, strangeness, Invariance under charge,parity,C.P.,time and C.P.T.,(Qualitative discussion).
Cosmic rays: Properties of cosmic rays ,properties of secondary radiation, electronic showers ,geomagnetic effects, cosmic ray stars, the origin of cosmic rays.
Unit IV: 

Accelerators: Need for accelerators, Ion sources, Van De graff generator, Drift tube, linear accelerator, Wave guide accelerator, cyclotron ,synchrocyclotron, electron synchrotron, proton synchrotron.

Unit V: 
Detectors: Ionization chamber , Proportional Counter, Geiger Muller Counter, Scintillation counter, Cloud chamber, Bubble chamber, Spark chamber , Solid state detectors.
Nuclear mass spectroscopy: Basic components of mass spectroscope.
Essential Readings: 
  • “Nuclear Physics”, D.C. Tayal, 4th rev. edition. 1992,, Himalaya Publishing, House, Bombay..
  • “Nuclear physics”, Irving Kaplan, 2nd edition, Addition Wiesley Publishing Company.


Suggested Readings:

  • “Atomic Nucleus”, R.D. Evans ,Mc Graw Hill, New York.
  • “Introduction to Elementary Particles”, D. Griffiths, Harper and Row, New York, 1987.
  • “Elements of Nuclear Physics”, Pandey and Yadav, Kedar Nath Ram Nath, Meerut, Seventh Edition .
  • “Nuclear Physics : Theory and experiments”, R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam, New Age International  (P) Limited.
  • “Radiation Detectors and Measurement”, F.Knoll, John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition.




Academic Year: