Physics Lab Course III

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

·       This course introduces students to the methods of experimental physics. 

·       Emphasis is given on laboratory techniques such as accuracy of measurements and data analysis. 

·       The concepts that are learnt in the lecture sessions are translated to the laboratory sessions thus providing a hands-on learning experience.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome 

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24CPHY 302

Physics Lab Course III


CO27: Demonstrate

observation skills in

Physics laboratory.


CO28: ​​Analyze and interpret the measurements to draw valid conclusions with honesty.


CO29: Ability to develop and execute a method to solve a problem with the guidance of supervisor and  to present it.

CO30: Develop oral and written scientific communication, and think critically and work independently.


CO31: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:Demonstration, Group activity, Discussion,Conduction of Experiments

Learning activities for the students:

Performing Experiments, taking observations , Analysis and interpretation of results, Error analysis, preparation of viva voce questions and maintain practical record,

Class test, Semester end examinations, Viva voce, Practical record file


List of Experiments

                                                    Section A

1.     Using platinum resistance thermometer, find the melting pint of a given substance.

2.  To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method.

3.  To determine ‘J’ by Calender and Barne’s method.

4.  Determine the thermodynamic constant   = Cp/Cv using Clement’s and Desorm’s method.

5.  Study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperature.

6.  To plot thermo emf versus temperature graph for Cu-Fe thermo couple and to determine temperature  of a hot source (use sand bath). 


Essential Readings:

User manual of the experiments are provided in the laboratory.

Section – B


1.         Project

Details of Project


Students of Semester III are required to choose a topic for the project from a list approved by the department. They are required to perform a new experiment or carry out studies for writing a review article on a subject. At the end of the semester, a project report shall be submitted by each student. This project will be assigned to them at the beginning of the III semester.

Evaluation of Project:

A mid-term evaluation of the project will be made along with the  CA test. This will carry 30 % of the total marks assigned for the project. At the end of the semester, the student shall be examined on the basis of project report submitted by her by a panel of external and internal examiners. The external appointed for the practical exam shall also evaluate the project along with the internal project supervisors. The evaluation of project will be based on presentation/viva-voce.


Total duration of practical exam and project evaluation shall be 5 hours.


             Scheme of Evaluation for Continuous Assessment 

Practical (30 %)

Time Duration: 90 minutes


 Practical Record

Viva Voce










Scheme of Evaluation for Semester End Examination

Practical (70 %)

Time Duration: 5 hrs.







Students are expected to perform four experiments in all from which they will have to perform one experiment in the semester end exam.


The distribution of marks in the practical examination will be as follows:

1.              One experiment                               :  30 marks.

             Distribution of marks will be as follows:

·       Figure / Formula/Theory           :           07

·       Observation / Calculation.         :           16

·       Result /Result Analysis              :           05

·       Precautions                              :           02


2.         Viva –Voce                                     :          05 marks


                            Total                                               :         35 marks



Section B


                  Project                                             :          35 marks

                  Distribution of marks will be as follows:

·       Seminar presentation                     :             15 

·       Write up                                       :             10

·       Viva –voce                                    :             10 

Academic Year: