Basic Instrumentation Skills (Generic Elective)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To  get exposure with various aspects of instruments and their usage through hands-on mode.
  • To learns the working of various sophisticated and electronic measuring instruments like, C.R.O., VTUM, Conversion of Galvanometer in to Ammeter and Voltmeter, multi-meter, colour codes of resistance, capacitors etc., so that he/she can design their own electronic circuits. 
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Basic Instrumentation Skills


CO1: Basic understanding of the errors in measurement and the applications of Multimeter.

CO2: Explanation of the specifications of CRO and their significance.

CO3: Develop knowledge of measurements with signal generators,Bridges  Impedance, Q-meter and basic RLC bridge.

CO4: Develop the skill of Handling of multimeter.

CO5: Analyze the results observed from CROs.

CO6: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration. Problem solving in tutorials. 

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems , Assignments, Presentations


Unit I: 
Basic of Measurement

Instruments accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range etc. Errors in measurements and loading effects. Multimeter: Principles of measurement of dc voltage and dc current, ac voltage, ac current and resistance. Specifications of a multimeter and their significance.

Electronic Voltmeter                                                                                                     

Advantage over conventional multimeter for voltage measurement with respect to input impedance and sensitivity. Principles of voltage, measurement (block diagram only). Specifications of an electronic Voltmeter/ Multimeter and their significance. AC millivoltmeter: Type of AC millivoltmeters. Block diagram ac millivoltmeter, specifications and their significance.

Unit II: 

Block diagram of basic CRO. CRT, electrostatic focusing and acceleration (Explanation only– no mathematical treatment), brief discussion on screen phosphor, visual persistence. Time base operation, synchronization. Front panel controls. Specifications of CRO and their significance.

Digital Instruments                                                                                     

Comparison of analog & digital instruments. Characteristics of a digital meter. Working principles of digital voltmeter. Digital Multimeter: Block diagram and working of a digital multimeter. Working principle of time interval, frequency and period measurement.

Unit III: 
Signal and pulse Generators

Block diagram, explanation and specifications of low frequency signal generator and pulse generator. Brief idea for testing and specifications. Impedance Bridges: Block diagram of bridge. working principles of basic (balancing  type) RLC bridge. Specifications of RLC bridge. Block diagram & working principles of a Q- Meter. Digital LCR bridges.

Unit IV: 
Practical Exercise -I
  • To observe the loading effect of a multimeter while measuring voltage across a low resistance and high resistance.
  • To observe the limitations of a multimeter for measuring high frequency voltage and currents.
  • To measure Q of a coil and its dependence on frequency, using a Q- meter.
Unit V: 
Practical Exercise -II
  • Measurement of voltage, frequency, time period and phase using Oscilloscope.
  • Measurement of rise, fall and delay times using a Oscilloscope.
  • Measurement of R,L and C using a LCR bridge/ universal bridge.
Essential Readings: 
  • A text book in Electrical Technology - B L Theraja - S Chand and Co. 
  • Performance and design of AC machines - M G Say ELBS Edn. 
  •  Digital Circuits and systems, Venugopal, 2011, Tata McGraw Hill. 
  • Logic circuit design, Shimon P. Vingron, 2012, Springer. 

Suggested Readings:

  • Digital Electronics, Subrata Ghoshal, 2012, Cengage Learning. 
  •  Electronic Devices and circuits, S. Salivahanan & N. S.Kumar, 3rd Ed., 2012, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
  • Digital principle and application by Malvino and Leach.
  • Digital Electronics by V.K. Jain (Tata Mc-Graw Hill).



Academic Year: