Foods & Nutrition

Paper Code: 
PHY 143(A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This paper will provide an introduction to foods and nutrition and help the student to understand  the importance of various types of  macro amd micro nutrients in diet.

Course Outcomes:
After completion of  this course, the student  will be able to
•    Understand and know various ingredients of food in terms of its composition, function and sources.
•    Know about various methods of food processing


Unit I: 

1. Introduction to nutrition:
      Food as source of nutrition, nutrients, definition of nutrition, adequate nutrition, optimum nutrition, good nutrition, malnutrition

2. Definition and concept of the followings:
   a) Balanced diet, Food Groups – Cereals & millets, pulses & legumes,  milk     & milk products, meat, fish & egg, vegetables & fruits, fat & sugar
   b) Recommended Dietary Intake and Recommended Nutrient Allowances

Unit II: 

3. Composition, structure, requirement, physiological functions and sources of       macronutrients:
a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Fats

Unit III: 

1.    Composition, structure, requirement, physiological functions and sources of     micronutrients - Vitamins and minerals
  a. Fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E, K
  b. Water soluble vitamins – B, C
  c. Minerals - Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Selenium

Unit IV: 

1.  Water and Electrolyte Balance:
    Properties of water, daily allowances, significance of water in health, water and electrolyte balance
2. Role of fibre in health and nutrition


Unit V: 

1. a. Different methods of cooking – Boiling, Frying, Steaming, Roasting, Baking, Stewing, Simmering
    b. Microwave cooking – Principle, uses, effects on food and nutrients, benefits,     hazards

Essential Readings: 

1.     Mudambi, R. S. and Rajagopal, M.V. (1987). Fundamentals of food and Nutrition.  Wiley Eastern Limited India.
2.  Manay, N. S. and Shadaksharaswamy, M. (2000). Food, Facts and Principles. New  age International Publishing.
3.  Swaminathan, M. (1987) Food science, chemistry and experimental foods.  
   The Bangalore printing & publishing Co. Ltd.Bangalore.
4.   Swaminathan, M. (1999). Essentials of foods and nutrition. The Bangalore
    printing & publishing Co. Ltd.Bangalore.



1. Robinson and Lawler. (1986). Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Macmillan
    Publishing Company. New york.
2. Srilakshmi, B. (2007). Food Science. New Age International Publishers.
3. Meyer, L. H. Food Chemistry. CBS Publishers and distributors, New Delhi.
4. Bamji, S., Rao, P. and Reddy, V. (2003). Textbook of Human Nutrition. Oxford
    and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Raina, U., Kashyap. S., Narula, V., Thomas, S., Sir, S. and Chopra, S. (     ). Basic  Food Preparation. A complete manual. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.
6. Medved, E. (1986). Food Preparation and Theory. Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersy.
7.    Joshi, A. S. (2005). Nutrition and Dietetics. Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing     Company Ltd. New Delhi.

Academic Year: